French foreign law expert
Philippe Koskas & Co. is one of the leading firms in Israel in handling clients operating along the seam line between Israel and France. The firm's staff has an in-depth knowledge of the French legal system and full command of the French language, mentality and values, which assists Advocate Koskas and the firm's attorneys to gain easy and correct understanding of the cases presented to them by the firm's clients.
Adv. Koskas, as aforesaid, submits opinions concerning French foreign law to all legal courts in Israel, and is an expert in French foreign law.
This foreign law expertise includes the firm expertise in:
Issuing written opinions on French law in matters of inheritance, opinions on foreign/French law.
Consultation on conflicting laws, on will or inheritance matters relating to Israelis owning assets in France, or French citizens owning assets in Israel.
Drafting French-Hebrew bilingual wills for French citizens and/or for asset bequeathing of French citizens staying in Israel.
Handling the procedure of registration and distribution of estate/inheritances in France.
Representation before the tax authorities in Israel and France.
Providing notarized translation certificates.